We appreciate good writing in any genre.

We especially like edgy writing that offers insight into darkness. We prefer character-driven stories as opposed to plot-driven ones. We want to read a story that makes us feel edified or philosophical or amused or creeped out or angry or melancholy or inspired or, best yet, all of these things together. We want to read a story we simply cannot put down.

Sexism, racism, or other forms of intolerance are intolerable to us. That said, you can certainly reveal a character through his/her prejudices; just don't use a story to perpetuate negative stereotypes or ignorance. The world is already bursting with both.

Submission due dates: Please see this page for a submission and publishing calendar.

Simultaneous submissions are completely fine with us, as long as you withdraw your submission from 3Elements Review immediately if the story is accepted elsewhere.

Notification: You will typically hear from us within a few days after the deadline, if not much sooner.

Feedback: We do not have time to give individual feedback on submissions. However, if something really strikes us, we may feel compelled to write you a little note.

Payment: Unfortunately we cannot pay at this time, but if accepted, we hope you’ll Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, Pin, email, blog, and text about your accomplishment. We will happily do the same.

Join our mailing list for the news and calls for submissions: http://3elementsreview.com/subscribe



  • You will hear from us within two weeks.
  • Artwork and photography are only required to represent one of the given elements (thrift store, tentacle, and marble), although representing all three will really wow us. We are somewhat lenient with this requirement, meaning we are open to more abstract connections.
  • Please submit ONLY one piece per submission. It helps us stay organized and consider each piece individually. If you would like to have multiple pieces considered, please send them as separate submissions. Submissions with multiple pieces of art will not be considered for publication.
  • No previously published work. Fiction and Nonfiction should be no longer than 3,500 words and poetry should be no longer than two pages.
  • A short third-person bio must be included with your submission.
  • All three elements (the specific words) given for the submission period (thrift store, tentacle, and marble) must be included in your story to be considered for publication. No exceptions.
  • Proofread your work. We must decline pieces that need major editing, even if they are otherwise good.
  • Please don't exceed 3,500 words.
  • No previously published work.
  • A short third-person bio must be included with your submission.
  • All three elements (the specific words) given for the submission period (thrift store, tentacle, and marble), must be included in your poem to be considered for publication. No exceptions.
  • Please submit ONLY one poem per submission. It helps us stay organized and consider each piece individually. If you would like to have multiple poems considered, please send them as separate submissions. Submissions with multiple poems will not be considered for publication.
  • No previously published work.
  • Please include a short third-person bio.
  • Photography is only required to represent one of the given elements (thrift store, tentacle, and marble), although representing all three will really wow us.
  • Please submit ONLY one photo per submission. It helps us stay organized and consider each piece individually. If you would like to have multiple photographs considered, please send them as separate submissions. Submissions with multiple photographs will not be considered for publication.
  • No previously published work.
  • Please include a short third-person bio.
  • All three elements (the specific words) given for the submission period (thrift store, tentacle, and marble) must be included in your essay to be considered for publication. No exceptions.
  • Proofread your work. We must decline pieces that need major editing, even if they are otherwise good.
  • Please do not exceed 3,500 words.
  • No previously published work.
  • A short third-person bio must be included with your submission.
Ends on
  • Artwork is only required to represent one of the given elements (thrift store, tentacle, and marble), although representing all three will really wow us. We are pretty lenient with this requirement, meaning we are open to more abstract connections.
  • Please submit ONLY one piece of art per submission. It helps us stay organized and consider each piece individually. If you would like to have multiple pieces considered, please send them as separate submissions. Submissions with multiple pieces of art will not be considered for publication.
  • We do not accept work created with AI, as AI programs often steal and appropriate work from other artists. 
  • No previously published work.
  • Please include a short third-person bio.
3Elements Review